Tag Archives: signal



       The light flickered red, lighting up the small cabin which was littered with an array of mechanical gadgets and industrial parts. He began to see the light through his eyelids before he realized where or even who he was; but he soon awoke to reality. It wasn’t much. In fact it was barely anything. He had built it himself and therefore knew every part. He had anticipated with quite exactness every spare part he would need on the journey, hence the mess that had saved him several times already. Grease and metal smelled like home and this was his home away from home.

        He leaned over and checked to see if the signal had moved. It hadn’t. From the viewpoint of open space he could now clearly see that his calculations were right…in the space between worlds there is a vast sea of darkness and in the folds of its shadow lies a dark sphere, the black planet.

~~ Photo and Story by Adames 2014

No Signal

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       Jeff relied on technology to an unfathomable degree. He was unable to bathe, breathe and eat without it. Though there was a time where such reliances were primitive and required manual interaction, now a life ruled without electric current was not worth living.

        He blamed his lack of evolution on corrupt data in the program. The pain he inflicted on others was the result of a missing software update, he’d say. Such a shame when Meridith came into his life and broke everything he held dear. His heart, eyes and equipment all destroyed in one snap. And when the authorities asked her why, she explained “I couldn’t get a signal where I was.”

~~ Photo and Story by MicGev MichGev