
Byte-Size Fiction is a blog dedicated to the celebration of short stories that are mostly 2 paragraphs long.

It is maintained and edited by me, Xiao Niu.

I am a  TV editor, actor, producer, director, father, son, husband, worker, freelancer, thinker, tinker and of course, a writer. I live in sunny southern California with my wife, and two daughters. You can follow me on twitter at  @whosxiaoniu   You can find me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/xiao.niu1

19 responses to “About

  1. Cheers for stopping by my page. Love the idea of the two paragraph limit – necessity is the mother of invention, after all!

  2. Hi there, I’m a pretty new blogger and just stumbled across your site when tagging flash fiction. My own stuff is generally a bit longer than two paragraphs (though still flash fiction) but I have quite read a few of your stories now and admire how much you get across in just two paragraphs. I look forward to following you 🙂

    • Thank you so much for reading. I just started about a month ago and writing these stories has been quite a challenge. If you do write any flash fiction in two paragraphs, let me know an I can re-blog your story here!

  3. Thanks for checking out my blog. My fiction isn’t necessarily two paragraphs, but I, too, appreciate the challenges of writing short fiction.

  4. Really cool concept for a blog. I like what I’ve seen so far… Where are you from? 🙂

  5. Xiao Niu, Thanks so much for visiting my blog, for following, and for the feedback on my stories, it’s much appreciated. i am also now following you – I love your site and I am inspired by the two paragraph story brief. I may send you a submission soon 🙂 Donna

  6. Just found this blog – love it! I’m a huge fan of short, short fiction and am very much enjoying reading the two paragraph stories. I’d love to try my hand at the two paragraph format in the near future!

    • Thank you so much for reading and enjoying the blog! I hope to keep up the posts in the future. Let me know if you write something in the two paragraph format and I would love to re-blog it here!

  7. I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award! I’ve truly enjoyed your writing and feel it deserving of this award.
    For more info, check out this page on my blog:


    Whether or not you choose to display the award, I’d like to commend you on your great work. Keep it up! 🙂

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